View historical data use


  1. Login to the My Data Sims portal
  2. Click the SIMs link in the left navigation
  3. When you are looking to explore the details of a particular SIM card, start off by clicking on the Details button. This action will trigger a flyout window to appear, providing you with a more in-depth look at the SIM card's information.
  4. Within the flyout window that emerges, navigate to the Usage tab. This tab contains essential data and statistics regarding the SIM card's usage patterns.
  5. Upon accessing the Usage tab, you will find a range of functionalities at your disposal:
    1. By hovering your cursor over the bar charts displayed, you can easily access detailed information regarding the data consumption for specific periods.
    2. Utilize the dropdown box to conveniently select the desired month and year, allowing you to focus on specific timeframes within the chart.
    3. Gain insights into the geographical distribution of data usage by exploring the countries where data has been utilized during the selected period.
    4. For further analysis and record-keeping, you have the option to download an Excel (xlsx) file summarizing the reporting period. Upon initiating the download, an email containing the download link will be dispatched to you for seamless access.
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